Mixtape pilihan saya di Cadasmixtape Cianjur Musik Cadas

#cadasmixtape #cadas03 #cianjurmusikcadas
#playlistmalam dipilih oleh @megalosebag ( Witch Serpent / Cianjur Musik Cadas )

1. Portishead - All Mine

2. Opeth - The Funeral Portrait

3. Crimson Glory - Lonely

4. Marmozets - Why Do You Hate Me

5. Teamsleep - Blvd. Nights

6. Unsane - Last Man Standing

7. Iron Lamb - Mockingbird

8. Psykup - Fuck Me 'Til the End of Times

9. Turbonegro - We're Gonna drop the atom bomb

10. Midnight - Evil Like A Knife

11. Marilyn Manson - Deep Six

12. Biters - 1975

13. Black Tusk - God's on Vacation

14. Sonic Torment - Golok Berbicara

15. The Gang Of Harry Roesli - Peacock Dog

16. Everybody Love Irene - Rindu

17. Goatmaster - Heaven's Falling Down

18. Elastica - Connection

19. Veruca Salt - Seether

20. Valentiine - Beauty Lies

Nb : playlist lagu pilihan yang cocok kamu dengarkan, semoga jadi referensi baru.
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